When given lemonade you make...well you know.  A year ago our home burned down and with our home there went our studio.  We have been so blessed to still be able to continue to shoot amazing weddings and athletic leagues; however, the studio work has been on hold.  We are excited to announce our new 1200 square foot studio will be finished in approximately three months.  We would love to get that studio calendar rocking again so we are doing a pre-sale of studio mini-sessions.

Our mini-sessions are 30 minutes long and are typically $100.  Well, we are taking that price down to $75 and throwing in a bonus mini-session for you to use as you wish (gift it, save it for another session in the fall, etc).

We will have the studio in full-swing by October 15th and this sale is only good until the end of July so purchase your 2 for 1 today!