We have become one of the largest and fastest-growing independent athletic photography companies in Indiana for one reason. We provide a great product which is an amazing and quick fundraiser for your school, league, or team.
When you allow us the privilege to shoot for you we provide a package which is second to none. Here are some of the key perks of our program:
We will sponsor a team in your league
We can bring up to six photographers to make your photo day go smoothly! We can shoot a league of around 1,000 athletes in approximately 5-6 hours.
We will donate up to 10% of NET sales back to you (requires a multi-year contract) OR will provide free custom designed oak sponsor plaques for free (one per team)
All of your products are custom designed for your league
You will have all of your photos back within TWO WEEKS of the shoot (restrictions apply in certain circumstances)
Every coach will receive a free team photo for their commitment to your league
Full-service online ordering options (before and after photo day)
Green screen studio - not sure about weather or just want a really cool product - let us use our green screen portable studio
treat your sponsors to a nice plaque - on us
Green screen for all seasons